Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was our next stop which is an absolutely beautiful capital city. Here are the Kings’ Palace gates and the words here are his full legal name!

The street lights throughout the city are this floral design.

Petronas Towers, the highest twin towers in the world, are located here.

Then we were off to Singapore for a two-day stay. It is an independent, island nation which seems to be very well run. They are a mix of neighboring cultures and have housing requirements in each neighborhood and building that integrate their people. This helps them get along well and there are no “bad” neighborhoods created from poorer classes. There is very little crime here as they punish severely. Drug possession is punishable with death. Their philosophy is that they will take this one life of a drug dealer rather than let him live and take thousands of other lives. Even jay-walking is a crime here with hefty fines.

I tried something new here – in some of the salons, they offer the chance to soak your feet in a tub of water filled with little fish that nibble all your dead skin off. You submerge your feet for 10 minutes and hundreds of them eat away – it drove me crazy! I was squealing and screaming. Some friends got me into a conversation so I would forget about what was going on and that helped for awhile but it’s not something I’m anxious to try again even though the bottoms of my feet were like baby’s skin afterwards. We found out there are places where you can do a “whole body nibble” bath – that’s not on my bucket list!
We then headed to Cambodia in the South China Sea. The sea is heavy with small fishing boats. Here we visited the local markets then went on a tour in a “tuk-tuk” their local version of a taxi. It was quite enjoyable and I see this as an area with beautiful beaches that is quickly developing tourism.